Recent Activities
Alerts and Notifications
3. Pending Service Provider Approvals:
Global Contractors Pvt. Ltd.: Registration approval pending
4. Requests for Callback:
Alpha Solutions Pvt.: Requested a callback with an expert on 2024-10-06
Team Members:
John Smith
Jane Doe
Chris Johnson
Tech Innovations Ltd.: Requested a callback regarding Opportunity
OPP-3456 on 2024-10-08
Team Members:
John Smith
Jane Doe
Chris Johnson
5. Requests to Talk to an Expert:
SmartTech Corp.: Requested to chat with an expert for Project
“Cloud Migration” on 2024-10-05
Available Experts:
John Smith
Jane Doe
Chris Johnson
ProBuild Enterprises: Requested to discuss Opportunity
OPP-6789 with an expert on 2024-10-10
Available Experts:
John Smith
Jane Doe
Chris Johnson
6. Ongoing Projects Nearing Deadlines:
Tech Innovations Ltd.: Project “Smart Bridge Construction” nearing final deadline
(3 days remaining)
NextGen Consulting: “Cloud Migration” milestone overdue
7. Subscription Expiration Notices:
ProBuild Enterprises: Subscription expires in 10 days (Auto-renew)
Tech Innovations Ltd.: Subscription expired
Vendor Management Screen
Search Bar:
Vendor List
Vendor Profile View
Performance Metrics
Notifications & Alerts
Pending Documents:
Alpha Solutions Pvt.: Insurance renewal due in 2 weeks.
Upcoming Subscription Expiry:
ProBuild Enterprises: Subscription expires in 10 days.
Assign Opportunity Screen
Vendor Name: Tech Innovations Ltd.
Vendor ID: VEND-00123
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Opportunity List (Search Results)
Service Provider Management Screen
Service Provider List
Service Provider Profile View
Performance Metrics
Notifications & Alerts
Opportunity Management Screen
Opportunity List
Opportunity Details View (When Clicking View Details)
Bid Management
Assign Vendor to Opportunity
Upon clicking Assign Vendor, the admin is taken to a separate screen to select a vendor for the opportunity.
Vendor Selection Screen:
- Vendor List: Displays a list of vendors that have shown interest or can be assigned.
Confirmation Pop-up:
- Once a vendor is selected, a confirmation pop-up appears:
“Are you sure you want to assign [Vendor Name] to the opportunity [Opportunity Title]?”
Subscription Management Screen
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Subscription List
Subscription Details View
Expert Management Screen
Search and Filter Experts
Expert List
Expert Profile View
Active Projects Overview
Milestone Details View
Notifications & Alerts